Related Websites and Resources

Revere Citizens Against Lifewise Academy is not affiliated with any of the following entities or organizations. These links are provided for your convenience only. We have no control over the content or activities of these linked sites and do not endorse or assume any responsibility for them.

Parents Against LifeWise

Parents Against Lifewise began in 2023 when a group of concerned parents found each other and started to compare notes about an organization that had infiltrated their respective public schools. The more they discovered about Lifewise Academy; the more driven they became to educate and warn other parents, schools, and communities. They believe that our public education system is invaluable, and that the separation of church and state is a fundamental cornerstone of our country.

Respect Public Schools

Please use this website to learn about LifeWise Academy. Use the MAP to find all the locations LifeWise is operating classes and track the progress of LifeWise in your school district. The map will show all school districts with atleast 1 signature on Step 1 through step 10 of LifeWise’s 10 step process. School districts with no signatures can be searched for, but will not be shown on the map.

Honesty For Ohio Education

Honesty for Ohio Education’s mission is to convene, educate, and activate individuals and communities to protect honest and inclusive education, building a more representative democracy for every Ohioan.

Freedom From Religion Foundation Violation Reporting

The purposes of the Freedom From Religion Foundation, Inc., as stated in its bylaws, are to promote the constitutional principle of separation of state and church, and to educate the public on matters relating to nontheism.

Ohio ACLU Religious Instruction in Public Schools Grievance Form

This form is designed to assist the ACLU in the evaluation of your grievance.